Az OUTDOOR4MI egy innovatív Erasmus+ KA2 projekt, amely támogatja a szabadtéri tanítást (OE) az óvodákban.
October 28, 2024 | 4:30 - 6:00 pm
First webinar of the Outdoor4mi project in Italy
About the webinar
📅 Date: October 28,2024 🕒 4:30 – 6:00 pm 📍 Online
Yesterday, the first webinar dedicated to presenting the Outdoor4mi Project in Italy 🌳 was held, organized by the Co&So consortium and the Spazio Aperto Servizi cooperative 🤝, co-funded by the European Union.
Outdoor4mi aims to promote Outdoor Education in preschools 🎒, with a particular focus on including children with motor disabilities ♿.
During the webinar, Anna Matassoni gave an introductory presentation on the project 📊, Stefania Donzelli presented the WP2 guidelines 📋, Simona Pancari addressed the topic of outdoor education in Co&So’s educational services 🌞, and finally, Natascia Giordano discussed outdoor education within the educational services of Spazio Aperto Servizi 🌈.
Consorzio per la Cooperazione e la Solidarietà (Italy)
Municipio de Lousada (Portugal)
European University Cyprus (Cyprus)
Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Harghita (Romania)
Asociación Mundial de Educadores Infantiles (Spain)
Newark School (Malta)
Spazio aperto servizi (Italiy)
Project number: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000165552
Project Title: Outdoor Education for Pupil with Mobility Impairments in Kindergarten
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